
Intellectually Engaging. Ready for the World.

澳门葡京博彩软件相信为每个学生提供差异化的、基于结果的体验. 无论你的职业道路如何,你都会受到世界各地领先雇主的重视. 道德领导的培训和研究是建立在学生的每一年的经验. 澳门葡京博彩软件的课程包括必要的实习,为学生提供知识和信心,为等待他们的职业生涯做准备.

Majors and Minors

At W&J, students will obtain a robust, 通过完成两门课程的学习,获得全面的学习体验, 其中可能包括双学位或主修/辅修组合. 学生可以从澳门葡京博彩软件现有的33个专业和52个辅修专业中进行选择, ranging from traditional offerings like business, chemistry, English, 音乐和更多的跨学科项目,如非裔美国人研究, biochemistry, computing & information studies, and environmental studies. You can even design your own major. 澳门葡京博彩软件也有法律和许多医疗保健领域的专业预科课程. 教职员工会帮助你选择符合你兴趣和目标的课程.

Students engaged in W&J's undergraduate art program.

Ethical Leadership. Founded Here

澳门葡京博彩软件的道德领导中心支持学生在大学范围内成为他们的专业和社区的变革者的机会. Regardless of majors or fields of students, 澳门葡京博彩软件的教师确保学生能够熟练地识别和批判性地审视道德问题. Learn more about the Center for Ethical Leadership.

Associate Professor of the English Tara Robbins Fee, Ph.D.这是2019年10月21日在华盛顿拍摄的Creosote effects照片 & Jefferson College.

Beyond the Classroom

你将在非课堂环境中利用你的学术优势来促进你的专业发展. W&大学要求实习能够提供雇主所需要的与工作相关的实用知识. W&J students are hired by leading employers such as PPG, UPMC, Highmark, Deloitte, and other internationally recognized companies.

Faculty & Advising

Recognized for their research, their publications, their artwork, and their teaching, 澳门葡京博彩软件的教师让你的智力参与,并让你的专业准备. You'll find W&J College professors actively beside you in the lab, 和你一起在学术或专业会议上展示研究成果, or helping you write a proposal. 作为你的顾问,澳门葡京博彩软件的教师支持你的梦想,并帮助你设计你最好的学习课程.

Associate Professor of Economics Tiffani A. Gottschall, Ph.D., 图为10月21日在技术中心与学生们一起工作, 2019 during the Creosote Affects photo shoot at Washington & Jefferson College.

Countries visited by W&J College students through the Magellan Project


Hours per week that The Clark Family Library is open, offering a quiet, comfortable space to study, collaborate, or just reflect

Founded Here


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